Installing CentOS 8 Server

By | August 28, 2020

CentOS community have just released its latest version 8 to world and available to download via it official site

In this article, I will show you how to install this latest server operating system in detail step-by-step guide. I will use VMware Workstation Pro 15 in my lab but I will not go through the VM Guest creation steps, I will just start with the installation of CentOS 8. Let’s start…


1. Assumed you have downloaded ISO, created a VM, and started the VM. At the startup screen, press Tab key to modify installation setting of network card.

2. Add this customized network adapter command in yellow highlighted. By default of new CentOS operating system, the adapter name is set to ens, not eth. So the following setting will name the network adapter to eth as default setting.

3. Choose your preferred language and continue

4. Choose Time & Date to change time and date for your system

5. Choose the Region and the City then click Done

6. Choose Network & Host Name to configure network and host setting

7. Add the preferred Host Name and click Apply. 
    Turn on the network adapter to bring it up and click on Configure to set static IP Address.

8. Under IPv4 Settings tab, choose Manual method and add the IP Address, Subnet mask, Gateway, and DNS Servers for your server.

9. Under IPv6 Settings tab, choose method as Ignore. I am not using IPv6 here so I am disabling it.

10. Once network and host name configuration completed, click Done to finish.

11. Choose Installation Destination to go partitioning selection. 

12. We will custom the partitions for specific purpose of each volume. Choose Custom and click Done.

13. Click the plus (+) button to add new mount point. I will add 500MB of storage capacity for /boot partition.

14. Adding 2 GB for swap partition

15. By default, the volume group for swap partition is set to cl_centos-8-swap. For my convenience, I will modify by shorten the name, click Modify…

16. Rename it to centos-8 and save it.

17. Adding 4GB for /home partition

18. Adding 5GB for /var partition

19. Adding 1GB for /tmp partition

20. Adding the rest of available capacity to root partition (We will custom the partitions for each particular purpose (/)

21. Review all created partition and volume group and click Done to finish

22. Accept all changes

23. Start the installation by click Begin Installation

24. Choose Root Password to set root password for your server

25. Fill in the secret password for ROOT user and click Done

26. Leave the installation until finish

27. Reboot the system

28. Choose the License Information to view License Agreement

29. Accept the License Agreement and choose Done


31. On welcome screen, click Next

32. On Privacy page, click Next

33. On Online Accounts page, click Skip

34. Create new user for yourself

35. Set the password for your new user

36. Your system is now ready, click Start Using CentOS Linux to login to your system

37. Login to your newly created user

You have now successfully installed CentOS 8 with Graphic User Interface (GUI). If you just want to install with CLI, at step 23, before you begin the installation you can change the Software Selection mode from Server with GUI to Server.

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